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Jamie Spears and the Gulag Politics of the Conservatorship


It’s been over a year since Jamie Spears took control of his daughter’s life and assets, whipping his frappucino-downing, Mercedes-wrecking, head-shaving, bad-decision-making daughter back into shape. In a relatively short time, Britney made a major turn-round, looking fabulous, releasing an awesome album, and undertaking a major tour that is has been receiving great reviews for its sheer spectacle value. Jamie Spears has performed a miracle on his daughter’s career and life.

Jamie Spears is getting paid $16,000 a month to be the father to his daughter (do the math and cry, parents of the world), providing her the healthy structure for her life that disappeared in 2007, leading to many of her problems. By her own admission, though, the current situation is stifling for Britney. It’s hard to not feel bad for the girl. Those of us who have wonderful, caring fathers who would jump to save us from ourselves know that sometimes they can go overboard and say things like, “You can date when you’re married.”

However, being paid to fulfill your paternal duties creates an undeniable conflict. What happens when Jamie Spears goes off the company payroll, what happens if the conservatorship ends? But even worse: what if the conservatorship never ends. What if for the rest of Britney’s life, Jamie Spears insists on being in control of her and her finances, all the while making money off of his daughter’s highly publicized fragile mental state.

I don’t think this lawyer is a good guy, but I think he’s right in saying that Britney’s conservatorship is going no where good fast. It prevents her from getting custody of her children. I’d guess it would prevent her from getting married again. It prevents her from being in control of the millions of dollars that she’s making. It will never allow her ownership of her life and career like she, and everyone else, deserves. If anything, the conservatorship proves that Britney Spears is nothing more than commodity to everyone, including her family.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. kate permalink*
    03/13/2009 4:02 pm

    Also, does Jamie Spears look a little Krueger-esque there or is it just me?

  2. 03/13/2009 5:41 pm

    I don’t know… Maybe he looks a little bit like Robin Williams:

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